Worldwide shoe & textile exports – sorting and quality inspection
All stocks that we have acquired from shoe and textile purchases are carefully checked and sorted by hand before being sold to non-EU countries. We carry out the sorting at our company headquarters in Wolfenbuettel according to a wide range of requirements and quality standards. This is because each country has its market whose specifications need to be taken into account – in Eastern European countries, for example, different products are required than in African countries, so we always sort the shoes and textiles for your customers according to the respective criteria of the target market.
For successful business transactions and sustainable maintenance of the customer base, export shoes and textiles must meet all current quality standards. Thanks to our efforts in the area of quality assurance, you will not receive damaged or worn shoes from us, but high-quality new goods. As a buyer from abroad, you can also have a direct influence on your order with us by specifying in advance the factors according to which we should pre-sort the shoes and textiles for you. If required, we can also support you in transporting the goods to their destination.
Manual sorting according to individual market requirements
The shoes and textiles are first checked at our location in Wolfenbuettel for condition and material defects, as well as for the topicality of the model. Quality requirements and current trends demanded by the respective market play an important role here. The products are then expertly sorted by hand and packed into export sacks before being weighed and packed for onward transport.
The sensible sorting of shoes and textiles is carried out exclusively by our most experienced employees to achieve effective utilisation in the interests of the trade. With a trained eye, our experts immediately recognise the condition and type of goods.
Would you like to find out more about our quality inspections for export textiles and shoes, or do you have any questions about our current offers? Then we look forward to hearing from you!